Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I is for..........

I is for..........Indiana.

I remember the day I saw Raiders of the Lost Ark for the first time.

As soon as my dad got home that night, my brother and I were all over him to take us to see this new movie that everyone said was amazing.

My dad said we'd have to wait a week because things were kind of tight right now. My brother and I begged, like kids are supposed to, but the old man held firm.

Not to be denied, we broke open our piggy banks. When we poured those coins and crumpled bills on the family room floor, we knew we had him.

Dad told us to put our money back, he could probably scrape up enough to take us. Maybe even a little extra for some snacks.

Indiana Jones thrilled us that night, but for my brother and I, we got to go home with the real hero.


  1. I love your blog. That last line is killer!

  2. I agree that last line is brilliant. The film was great too.

  3. That was sweet. I just recently saw that movie and I loved it!

  4. Excellent post!

    I read on someone's blog the other day that Harrison Ford is 70! Sheesh! Now I feel old.

  5. It's amazing how long these movies have been going, too. Harrison Ford just keeps on rockin'. I love your story about how your dad ended up taking you guys to the movie.

  6. Aww, love that last line. And I can't deny I have a huge crush on Indy so the pic isn't bad either. :D

  7. You made me tear up on that one. I loved the movie, but your story about it was pretty terrific.

  8. I knew that you'd pick this for letter I :-)
    Dads are always the real heroes.

  9. What a sweet ending! I'd love to see that movie on the big screen.

  10. Awww! You had me saying this out loud. That's so sweet that your Dad was your hero.

    Have fun with a-z.

  11. This is a wonderful story. And not just because I love me some Indiana!!


    Valerie Nunez and the Flying Platypi
